Security & Strength
The proliferation of nuclear weapons is the greatest threat to our national security. The United States must be fully committed to making sure that nuclear weapons do not fall into the hands of our enemies. In addition, foreign and domestic terrorism also threatens the security of the United States. We must secure our borders; and increase funding for the Department of Homeland Security to stop acts of terrorism before they happen. Last, gun violence, crime, murders and mass shootings have become too common place in America. Law enforcement agencies are overwhelmed with responsibility.
Therefore, privatizing certain functions of law enforcement will assist agencies in becoming more efficient, provide better service to the people they serve and enhance and improve community relations. To strengthen our nation, we must strengthen our families and encourage two parent homes where both mother and father participate in raising their children within a committed relationship.
Taking action on this issue
- Commit to making sure that nuclear weapons do not fall into the hands of our enemies.
- Combat foreign and domestic terrorism that threatens the security of the United States of America.
- Secure our borders and restore sovereignty.
- Increase funding for the Department of Homeland Security to stop acts of terrorism before they happen.